Batteries are a crucial part of any vehicle and when one dies it can put a sudden stop on your plans. Batteries can be expensive, and no one wants to have to regularly replace them. REDARC has compiled five simple tips to make sure you’re looking after your batteries the best you can.

Inspect battery connections

Whilst checking for corrosion it always pays to ensure that all battery connections are tight and undamaged. Screws, clamps and cables can be affected by wear and tear so making sure they are well connected and tight is the first step to ensuring you get the best function from your batteries.

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Clean the battery terminals to get rid of grime and corrosion

Dirty batteries can discharge grime across on the battery casing. Corrosion can also be an issue, especially on the battery terminals, causing batteries to undercharge. The best way to clean batteries is using hot water and a stiff bristle brush, though for more stubborn corrosion a baking soda and water solution can also be helpful. A regular battery inspection or service can also be beneficial in maintaining the longevity of your batteries.

Drive your vehicle regularly

One of the easiest ways to maintain an optimum charge is to drive your vehicle regularly. For most people 30 minutes a day is all it takes to keep the battery working as normal, but batteries will be happy with as little as a 1-hour drive per week. Simple steps like ensuring all interior and exterior lights are turned off and not leaving the radio on for an extended period while the car is not running are also easy ways to not drain the battery prematurely.

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If your vehicle isn’t driven regularly use a battery charger to keep the charge topped up

The REDARC SmartCharge AC Battery Charger range is the perfect way to maintain 12V batteries. Compatible with most batteries, including AGM and lead-acid, the SmartCharge range keeps batteries topped up without the risk of overcharging. Able to adapt automatically to whatever battery it’s connected to, it shows how much charge the battery has and can be plugged into a regular wall outlet to top up the charge, meaning batteries are never overcharged.

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When storing your vehicle check the batteries regularly

Storing a discharged battery can shorten its lifespan by causing the lead sulfate inside to harden. It always pays to store batteries in a fully charged state and check every three months or so to make sure the battery is still healthy. The REDARC SmartCharge AC Battery Charger can also be used to keep batteries charged and healthy over long periods of time.



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